No thanks, I just had a banana
Had a dear friend and kindred spirit named Bob Bresler, aka Breeze. Incredibly talented musician, brilliant dude, former Marine with service in Viet Nam, seminary student. What attracted me to him was our shared love of science fiction, and his zany sense of humor. His standard response to any unexpected question was "No thanks, I just had a banana." "Are you going to Ethics class at 11:00?" "No thanks, I just had a banana." "Do you know what time it is?" "No thanks, I just had a banana." "Can I borrow your blue shirt with the penguin on the collar?" "No thanks, I just had a banana." "Wanna cut class and go get a beer?" "No thanks, I just..wait, what? YEAH, let's GO!" He would also initiate conversations with total strangers by saying, "So, how WAS China?" It's not a bad conversational gambit. He told me that in all his years of using it, he actually had run across one person who...