"I Ain't Never Been Shot This Many times Before."
Sometimes, a phrase just comes to mind. Maybe if I collected them all, I'd have a book. As it is, I have at least the chapter titles. My sister would NEVER express herself this way; She's precious, sweet, adorable; she's well-educated. In fact, she teaches people who are going to be teachers. And although she is a died-in-the-wool UGA Bulldog, I think she last used the word "ain't" at the Champagne Jam concert headlined by the Atlanta Rhythm Section in 1978. However, today, and every single day for the past two months or more, this could have been her opening prayer to greet the day: Dear Lord, I ain't never been shot this many times before. What do I do? What am I GOING to do? Amen. Wendy She's been married for 34 years to an amazingly gifted singer-songwriter-webpage designer you-name-it guy, who has always been in perfect health, and now he is very, very ill. And she is having to make critical, life-or-death decisions every day, it seems. The only t...