"Walking On the Sea of Clouds," Gray Rinehart

I reviewed the book on Amazon, and you can read and vote 'helpful' on the review by clicking HERE. This isn't a repeat of the review; I just wanted to add some memories that came to the surface as I was reading the book. I DO, however, close with ONE MORE comment on an excellent bit I found in "Walking On The Sea Of Clouds." I was born in 1953, so I was 4 years old at the time of the Sputnik launch. My chief recollection of that time was likely prompted by hearing of Nikita Khrushchev boast "America sleeps under a Soviet moon." It scared me goofy. I didn't WANT to sleep under a Soviet moon; I dimly recall weeping in my mother's arms as she assured me that the moon wouldn't get me. I doubt that I really believed her; it takes a LOT to convince a four-year-old that the bogeyman he can see in the night sky is just a big ball of rock. Patient repetition did the trick, though; mothers are remarkably good at that. At any rate, my fears shift...