Nobody Talks Back To Me: SHORT!
Do they not hear and see, or just not talk? Would those of you who have lively blogs explain blogging success to me? This is almost a request I would feel comfortable posting at Mad Genius Club , except it's not concerning income-producing writing. I started blogging FIVE years ago, today. My first post had 18 hits. (They dropped off after that, but I was sporadic about posting for quite a while.) Some devoted friends have subscribed to my posts. I can usually count on at least 50 hits. Usually, if my post is interesting or amusing or relevant, I'll get 100+ hits. Anything above that is rare; my top five, without any undue promotion, were in the 500+ hit range. I am utterly cool with this, although I do think my posts are mostly brilliant and more people would enjoy them if they read them. However: It is RARE that anybody ever comments on a blog post! This was brought home to me in startling fashion after the hits started coming in for my blog post about my workable solution ...