My Introduction to CBD Oil and Vaping: Part TWO
Greetings, Internet friends and neighbors, and family members of various subsets! This is PART TWO of My Introduction to CBD Oil and Vaping. If you haven't read Part One , then I recommend you do so now. Also, I said in Part One that I would post this 'tomorrow,' and I actually had almost all of it written, BUT I realized I needed to expand and extend the transition, and then...I don't know. Life. So, at the end of Part One, I said that in early 2013 a (relatively) new pain treatment gave me another chance at life. That treatment, the Butrans patch, managed my chronic pain from the auto-immune condition I have called ankylosing spondylitis. It does so without goofing my head, putting me to sleep, causing constipation, and it's administered through a weekly patch I stick on my arm. It's a much, MUCH smaller dose of medication; it's so small, that it has NEVER shown up on ANY of the drug screens I've taken over the last six years. Most of you will just ...