Correia X 2, I Feel Turrible, Charlie Mike

My Amazon review of the FIRST book may be read here.
My Amazon review of the SECOND book may be read here.

I have a VIOLENT reaction to that class of medications known as NSAIDS (non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs). Just the briefest touch turns my innards into thunderstorms.

It wasn't always this way. I was able to discontinue narcotics for my chronic pain for almost a year, with the use of a particularly powerful NSAID called meloxicam. It brought my pain level down to the point that I averaged a half tablet of hydrocodone a week; before that, I was taking 165 mg of morphine daily. It wasn't until my gut started bleeding that I gave up on the meloxicam; unfortunately, my sensitivity to ONE NSAID extended to ALL NSAIDS, so now I can't even take aspirin.

And that extends to topical applications as well. I have some tenderness in my bicep tendon caused by a brief attempt at lifting weights - 10 pounds only! - and my doc suggested I try this cream. Well, I did. I don't know if it helped my tendon any, but it sure has destroyed my innards.

Out of a sense of delicacy, I will not attempt to describe my symptoms. You might very well imagine a tuba concert, but I couldn't possibly comment on that.

Well, it keeps me from wasting my time with such stuff as exercise. We did make it to church this weekend, and I was challenged to keep a close rein on what I watched and read, but other than that, I've been invalided. It matters not; Charlie Mike (Continue the Mission).

And therefore, I found the chance to read a couple of Larry Correia books I haven't noticed before. The fact that any of those existed was a bit of a surprise to me. Of COURSE, I read Monster Hunters, and the Grimnoir series, and Dead Six, and Son of the Black Sword, but I didn't even know The Malcontents were a thing. Don't know how that got by me. PERHAPS it's because they were originally just for table-top gamers; the Privateer Press edition includes the models. I know nothing about that aspect of life, due to poor planning on my part as a youth; hence, my review covers only the stories.

Into the Storm: I THOUGHT I was going to get a quick read, and then goodnight, with this book, because it only shows seven chapters in the Table of Contents. This is an artifact of reading e-Books. Unless you look at file size, and can do the conversion in your head, you have NO idea of length! Yes, there are only seven chapters, and only three of those are substantive, but these are some LONG chapters! They are so long that I got aggravated a couple of time with my reader. I'd accidently bump a control, and find myself at the top of the page, and then I have to swipe down for a minute to get back to where I left off. That's a function of big fingers, though, and should not be taken as a criticism of the book or my reader.
The setting is best described in terms of weaponry, since there isn't any period in our timeline in which these customs exist. Fighting is done with swords, spears, and other sharp, pointy things. The king can afford the latest technology, so he has knights armed with lightning swords. And the mechanized element is represented by the warjack, an iron monstrosity, powered by coal, operating on verbal orders. And there are magical elements around, as well. A man can still get his brains dashed out by a rock, though.
The commanding officer is one Lieutenant Madigan, who was disgraced and nearly executed for his actions in the last palace coup. Not being a whiner, he does NOT offer the defense that the atrocity that brought him low was actually the work of someone else; he is of the opinion that command takes responsibility.
Being at the top of everyone's scut list, he gets the very worst jobs that are available. In this case, he is ordered to form up the Sixth Platoon, consisting of the cast-offs of every other outfit, and turn them into a fighting unit.

Dirty Dozen, right?

But, training works, as it always does. He has a hard time bringing his troops into play, because nobody trusts them, and there is a good bit of personal animosity running around.
Lots of good fighting and blowing stuff up.

Into The Wild.  Book Two begins with the troopers under the command of Lt. Cleasby. Formerly a rule-bound fop, his time with the company has hardened him, and he has earned the respect of the men.
Very interesting scene at the beginning, when he meets up with the academic leading the team he will be protecting. It starts as the typical bosh of a bookworm attempting to bully the grunts, but just when that's so irritating that you want to fling the book, uummm, not going to tell you. Spoilers, you know.

It seems a  rare find has been unearthed way out in the wild, wild forest, and this team is going to fetch it. Ranged against them are the forces of the avaricious original finder of the the artifact, and a tribe of pagan heathen monster people. Victory conditions:  rescue the artifact, and get the scientific party and troops to safety.

Even if it's NOT Owen with his weapons, and even if you AREN'T a gamer, there's still plenty here for you to enjoy.

Peace be on your household.


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