Does Your Ego Lose Its' Structure From The Faux-Pas From Your Lips?

Greeting, internet friends and neighbors, and those who are related to me by blood, and yet have found cause to examine this blog. (Probably to see if I am talking about them. Not an unreasonable thought.) (WARNING: This blog post uses more than one font. Please try not to burst into tears.) When I was a lad of approximately...10 years old (? Maybe?) I had the great good fortune to be waiting (interminably) in the car, for a parent to return from some incomprehensible adult errand. Not being particularly wicked (must have been my mother, I guess) they left me with a book (my favorite thing) and the radio playing. And then....across the airwaves...and penetrating the deep concentration/coma into which I customarily lapsed when reading (this was a book of Boy Scout stories, IIRC), came these dulcet tones: " Does Your Chewing Gum Lose Its' Flavor On The Bedpost Overnight?" Lonnie Donegan He was born in Scotland. I had not been known for being able to hear a song played once...