Tiny Devotional for Tuesday, 09/29/2020

 A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors out there in Internet Land, and to any family members who have stumbled onto this Tiny Devotional, I hope you had a good breakfast and wonderful coffee. I did!

"If a ruler pays attention to falsehood,
All his ministers become wicked."
Proverbs 29:12, NASB

 No doubt some will immediately see references to political systems and processes, and I do NOT doubt that they will find evidence there. However, I am as apolitical as it is possible to be, so I'm NOT going there.

I'm speaking of rulers who DIRECTLY impact folks, every single day. I speak of  the rulers of employment; the rulers of educational institutions; the rulers of every kind of organization, from The Little Rascals to labor unions; Non-Governmental Organizations; churches. And to bring it home, that includes rulers of families.

For those not familiar, the club failed.
They all fell in love with Darla.

It all comes down from the top. Sometimes, you can tell the nature of the ruler without anyone having to say a word; but in every case, that nature WILL reveal itself. Oh, the STORIES I could tell you! (But, I won't!)

You have stories yourself, and perhaps you'd be willing to share those. Feel free!

Two closing thoughts:

  • What kind of ruler is having an effect on your life right now, on a regular basis?
  • What kind of ruler are YOU? (What would those you rule over say?)
Peace be on your household.


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