Tiny Devotional for Saturday, 10/10/2020

 A great GOOD MORNING to all my friends and neighbors out there in Internet Land! And to any family members who have stumbled upon this post, Alicia Ann got selected for Varsity Basketball Cheerleader yesterday!

He who walks in integrity walks securely,
But he who perverts his ways will be found out.
Proverbs 10:9, NASB

Getting Found out

It’s rare, today, to encounter the word ‘pervert’ in any context other than sexual (and with modern morality and politics, that use may be in decline). The primary meaning, though, is to distort or corrupt something from the intended design, use, or purpose. This morning, I’m thinking about those who pervert their ways at their job: the Work Fakers.

I’ve had 31 jobs from 1966  (shoe shine boy) to 2007 (middle school counselor). I believe I was 17 when I first encountered a Work Faker, but it was decades before I understood what was happening.

One kind of Work Faker has little intention of doing any work, but expects a paycheck, anyway. I never saw any in small, family-owned and operated businesses, or in the four restaurants where I worked. In these businesses, the pace of the job and close supervision made it unacceptable for slackers. Work Fakers didn’t last in commission-only jobs, either. 

Another kind Work Faker misuses their position for personal gain.  Recently in my metro area, two highly placed executives, one in city government, the other working for a major healthcare provider,  were caught using corporate funds for their own benefit, including illegal transfers of firearms.

Work Fakers gravitate toward operations with loose supervision, where there are others to carry their workload, and accountability is rare. Even so, their ways will be found out. 

Peace be on your household.


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