TIny Devotional for Saturday, 10/17/2020
A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors out there in Internet Land! And to any family members showing up here, I send much love and encouragement, and also offer you the breakfast option of fast-food tacos, frozen in a time of surplus, then microwaved and served with ranch dressing.
The refining pot is for silver and the furnace for gold,
But the Lord tests hearts.
Proverbs 17:3, NASB
Over the past several days, I’ve been considering: “What is my goal in writing these Tiny Devotionals?” I conclude that it is to provide encouragement for you to hold strong, on the right path. I don’t want to get distracted by events, or people. I just want to point to truth.
Which is the process described in Proverbs 17:3.
I don’t refine silver or gold, but I DO refine lead for cast bullets. So, what does this proverb tell me about the way the Lord tests my heart?
It starts with scrap. I’ll get a big bucket of used, broken wheel-weights. I dump them all in a pot, and turn up the heat. Some trash burns off, and then, the lead melts. More trash floats to the top. I scoop that off, and throw it away. I burn off the impurities remaining, scoop away the ash, and what’s left is lead I can work with. I have to show great care in how I handle it; it requires close attention. But at the end, I have good quality bullets I can use for reloading.
How it works for metal and for hearts: Heat, separation, discarding the trash, and worn-out, useless scrap transforms into useful material. And the end result is a heart for God, and for others.
Peace be on your household.
Melt down lead.
From a safe distance. Upwind in a strong wind.