Tiny Devotional for Thursday, 10/01/2020
A great good morning to all my Internet friends and neighbors! And to family members who have stumbled upon this post, both dogs AND cats make nice pets. Different, but both nice.
"Wisdom shouts in the street,
She lifts her voice in the square;"“They would not accept my counsel,
They spurned all my reproof.
31 “So they shall eat of the fruit of their own way
And be satiated with their own devices."Proverbs 1:20, 30-31, NASB
Two things I want to share, and the FIRST one is a bit of a new insight for me.
A. For whatever reasons, this idea has popped up many times: city life is evil, and we all should blow up the TV, throw away the paper, go to the country, and build ourselves a home. I bought into that at age 18 in 1971, and kept it as a longed-for goal, AT LEAST into my 30s. Different reasons at different times.
I believe there are a LOT of valid reasons people get away from the Big City, but the idea that the Big City by definition is Evil, and MUST be escaped, is just wrong. Wisdom is there, still crying out in the square! If you can't hear it, it's because you are listening to the wrong things. (and this is the somewhat new insight.)
B. Paraphrased, v 30-31 say "They didn't listen to me, so they got their own way, and they won't like it." Now, THIS wisdom I picked up from a different place in the Bible. I learned this bit of wisdom in the last 25-30 years; prior to that, I thought all the unpleasant stuff that happened to me was because God was smiting me for being bad. Nope. The unpleasantness was a logical consequence of my own choices and behavior, and required no divine intervention to occur. (If you are interested, I go into this in more detail here.)
So, for today: let's look for Wisdom; she surrounds us. And then, having found her, let's try accepting her counsel. Waddya say? (And if you read this, make a comment HERE on the blog, and not only on FB or MW, or wherever you found this. Please?)
Peace be on your household.
ReplyDeleteThe only thing worse than Wisdom crying out in the streets is when her sister snidely remarks "I told you so!"