Tiny Devotional for Thursday, 10/22/2020

 A great Good Morning! to all my friends and neighbors out there in Internet Land! And to any family members who drop by, it is a great thing to be happy, joyous, and free! Still, I DO have a time deadline this morning.

A good name is to be more desired than great wealth,
Favor is better than silver and gold.
Proverbs 22:1, NASB

It’s 7:17 AM as I start this, and I have a doc appointment at 8:30. I must leave the house at 8:00, and to do that, I must start final prep at 7:45. 

I want to take a current list of meds to the doc, which fortunately is mostly ready to print, although I did want to go over the list.

I have two teen-agers to get out the door for school.

And, at 10:00 AM ON THE DOT, I have a bid to submit for a desired and rare purchase.

Did I mention that earlier, I dropped my weekly pill carrier on the floor, and had to clean that up?

It’s enough to make this Redneck Biker with ADD a little bit crazier than I already am, because I often have difficulty setting priorities when multiple items are competing for available resources in my head. Some I HAVE to do, some I WANT to do, some are easy, some are hard.  Can anyone relate to that?

Long ago, I learned how to sort tasks based on IMPORTANCE and URGENCY. It’s quite helpful. URGENCY is determined by deadlines, but, IMPORTANCE?

That's why am I composing a Tiny Devotional, instead of doing other things. 

People are counting on me to post this. And that brings a good name, which moves it to the top of the list!

Peace be on your household. (7:41 AM!)


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