Tiny Devotional for Wednesday, 10/14/2020

 A great good morning to you, my friends and neighbors out there in Internet Land! And, to my family members who have dropped by, TODAY is Carol’s BIRTHDAY! Woot! (She likes olives, if you need a gift idea.) 

Confession: EVERY day, I face difficulty in deciding which of the verses from the daily proverb to choose. So far, I’ve resolved it by saying, “I’ll pick that one up next month. This is a TINY Devotional!” But today, you get TWO verses.

14:4  Where no oxen are, the manger is clean,
But much revenue comes by the strength of the ox. 

This one is included because I have ADD, and was undiagnosed (and untreated) until age 40. And my room, school desk, office: always a wreck. (I was pretty squared away in the Army, though. Go figure.)

In 1980, I was working in an office job I was really good at.  When my supervisor told me my desk was a mess, I cited this proverb to her. She didn't walk away HAPPY, but, she walked away. 

Still, this manger COULD use a cleaning.

He who oppresses the poor taunts his Maker,
But he who is gracious to the needy honors Him. 

On a much less whimsical note: slamming poor folks, just because they are poor, is going to result in a very bad outcome.

This is NOT about ignoring or approving bad, even criminal, behavior. Please, criticize THAT! 

But if you pass by the homeless without a greeting, if you have only contempt for the struggling single mom, if you refuse to lift a finger to help someone in need: 

Repent. Or bad things are in your future.

Still under 300 words!

Peace be on your household. 


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