Tiny Devotional for Sunday, 11/22/2020

A great good morning to my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family members who have dropped in, we’ve made it this far; what else can we can do?

Do you see a person skilled in his work?
He will stand before kings;
He will not stand before obscure people.

Proverbs 22:29, NASB

Jack and Ralph

I love this verse. I love it so much, that every time I am given the privilege of observing a craftsman, I want to present them with a gift to honor them. 

Robert repaired a long-standing septic tank problem I had last year. Perhaps only home owners who have experienced similar problems will be able to appreciate the gift Robert made to my family.

I got a bad haircut in 1978, and it changed my outlook on the craft of people in that profession. One of the reasons I grew my hair down to my waist a couple of times was that I had a hard time finding someone I trusted. Deb and Jeff, THANK YOU!

My stepdad, Ralph, was a craftsman in at least three areas: carpenter, electrician, and pilot.

I doubt that Robert and Deb and Jeff have any desire to spend time with kings, and I KNOW that Ralph didn’t. Ralph just loved the job for its’ own sake, whether it was stringing wire, building a desk, or greasing a landing on a MAC-V flight at Tan Son Nhut Airport under fire.

I don’t think people want to become kings so that they can have magnificent craftsmen stand before them, but that’s the only reason I’d consider the job; YMMV.

I’m going to honor craftsman C. S. Lewis today, who once DECLINED to stand before a king; he didn’t like politics.

Peace be on your household.


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