Tiny Devotional for Thursday, 11/19/2020

 A great good day to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family members who dropped by, celebrate November in any way that’s appropriate.

A foolish son is destruction to his father,
And the quarrels of a wife are a constant dripping.
Proverbs 19:13, NASB

It’s not the fashion for fathers to complain about children and wives, unless they are stand-up comedians. Then, they can get away with it, as long as they make themselves the butt of the jokes. 

Otherwise, when fathers complain about their kids, and husbands complain about their wives, their friends roll their eyes behind the complainer’s back. THEY knew the wife was a whiner from the beginning; they may have even cautioned their love-struck buddy against the marriage. And they also know that the reason the kids are acting up is because the father didn’t provide a good example, or set appropriate boundaries, when the kids were younger.

At least 70% of the time, the friends are right. It’s a leadership failure; the father is a dork.

On a few occasions, though, that’s not true. The husband / father can do everything possible to make a good home, and one or more kids is going to act the fool;  a wife who has been a partner will become an adversary. Rare, but it happens. 

But then: who is the proverb speaking to? Dorks don’t READ proverbs. And the diligent father doesn’t need, or deserve, to have his nose rubbed in it.

This proverb is not descriptive; it’s precautionary. It’s to warn the youth what CAN happen, if they fail to use good sense in mate selection, and shirk their duty as parents.

Share this with your kids. I did, just now!

Peace be on your household.


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