Tiny Devotional for Tuesday, 11/17/2020
A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family members who dropped by, I feel turribul. In fact, I’m looking for a proverb about being sick.
A joyful heart is good medicine,
But a broken spirit dries up the bones.
Proverbs 17:22, NASB
I’m not gonna lie: the only way my heart becomes good medicine today is to look closely at the definition of ‘joyful.’
First, my heart has to deal with all the rumblings in my tummy. Without going into detail, you know whereof I speak.
Second, I spent all of yesterday preparing to review a book that had a very grim premise. It was intended as an alternative history, but then the baseline events actually came true, so we must grimly await to see if the rest of it happens.
So: can a heart be joyful with physical stress and social unrest? Well, YES. Too weary to give the references, but they exist. Paul & Silas in prison, for example.
But: can MY heart be joyful? Well, YES. I’ve done it before.
But: WILL my heart be joyful? Don’t ask me that right now. I’ll get back to you. Right now, I have a few maintenance items to take care of. I’m pretty sure the answer will be yes.
Peace be on your household.
"Happiness" is a feeling, and as such, will come and go with circumstances. "Joy" should be a state of being, and therefore should ALWAYS be present when we have the Holy Spirit living in us. Paul says it best, "rejoice, rejoice, and again I say rejoice!" And in the language it was written in, it more clearly says "Rejoice! Did you hear me? I said REJOICE! For the love of God, because your life depends on it, no matter what your tummy is telling you, no matter how your heart may ache, I DEMAND TO BE HEARD, REJOICE!!!!!!!"