Tiny Devotional for RED FRIDAY, 12-11-2020

 A great good RED FRIDAY morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to any family members who dropped by, sometimes I miss you so much it hurts.

As a ring of gold in a pig’s snout
So is a beautiful woman who lacks discretion.
Proverbs 11:22, NASB

One of the best practices I implemented with my kids was daily reading from the Book of Proverbs. When I started, I didn’t realize just how beneficial it was going to become. 
It gave us quiet time together. They didn’t always appreciate it; sometimes, they got downright bumptious. Still, we kept it up, as long as health and morning schedules permitted.

In 1990, my first-born son was 7 years old. He was reading quite a lot of the morning selection himself, and proud to do it. He didn’t always understand the topic being addressed, though. 

Money was tight. I was getting my teaching certificate, my GI benefits was exhausted,  I worked part-time when I could. 
Still, I scraped up enough to take him to the movie starring the Famous Detective. The ads promised it was a live version of the comic strip.
I had loved the Sunday funny papers of the Famous Detective as a kid. He had a two-way wrist radio, then a two-way wrist TV! He caught bizarre bad guys with bizarre names!
I figured my small son and I would enjoy the movie together. 

In the funny papers, blondes didn’t crawl on the detective’s desk and flaunting their.... pulchritude... in his face. One did in the movie, though. 


I pointed out that the beautiful woman had acted without discretion, and how that was like a gold ring in a pig’s snout.

He got it!

Peace be on your household.


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