Tiny Devotional for Saturday, 12-26-2020

 A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family members who dropped by,  MO Coffee!

Like snow in summer and like rain in harvest,
So honor is not fitting for a fool.
Proverbs 26:1, NASB

“The Peter Principle” described one way in which undeserved honor goes to a fool: they are good at one job, so they get promoted to the next. That process continues until they get promoted into a position they can’t handle.
And they stay there, being incompetent.
I have seen this in action, in organizations that use a college degree to award employment: educators, and some military officers. The honor of those positions is not fitting for one who doesn’t know, and won’t, or can’t, learn.

“Papa” is the highest honor and title I’ve received. It’s my job: husband, father, grandfather.  I’m pretty good at it. Took a long time to get there, though; I was just shy of 30 before my firstborn came along. I’ve been refining my game ever since, for almost 38 years now.

Recently, I realized that BOTH of my bio-sons replicated the pattern; I figured that out when my youngest bio-son gave me a July arrival date for Boomer, who is grandchild #16!

I am sadly aware that promotion from ‘boyfriend’ to ‘husband’ can honor a fool; even worse, the honored title of “father” is too often awarded to a fool.
You’d think we would have figured this out by now, wouldn’t you? As a society, I mean. Certainly, individuals have made the connection. As a society, though, the honors are tarnished, devalued.
Therefore, forget society; it’s just too stupid. 

Instead, as individuals, let’s pledge to show some respect to a non-fool today. You get to pick who!

Peace be on your household.


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