Tiny Devotional for Wednesday, 12-23-2020
A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to those family members who have dropped by, we have lamb chops for lunch.
Do not weary yourself to gain wealth;
Stop dwelling on it.
When you set your eyes on it, it is gone.
For wealth certainly makes itself wings
Like an eagle that flies toward the heavens.
Proverbs 23:4-5, NASB
I ALMOST decided to use verse 4 only as my text today; it has such PUNCH!
“Stop dwelling on it.”Not a whole lot of wiggle room in THAT, is there?
The ONLY way I have been able to accumulate wealth has been to buy a house. I bought one in 1982, sold it in 1987 for a profit.
With that nest egg, I took a sales job, brokering IBM mainframe components. I took that job because business was booming, and I couldn’t WAIT to make scads of cash!
Well, I waited. Then waited some more. and that industry collapsed, for reasons.
With that nest egg, I took a sales job, brokering IBM mainframe components. I took that job because business was booming, and I couldn’t WAIT to make scads of cash!
Well, I waited. Then waited some more. and that industry collapsed, for reasons.
And month by month, my nest egg took wings like an eagle, and flew off; and then, it was gone.
Which permitted me to re-evaluate: what career was right for me? I considered other sales jobs, still seeking money. Nothing fit.
With appropriate counsel and prayer, I started the process that culminated in the perfect career for me: the school-counseling job I eventually retired from; and, I have a house again.
With appropriate counsel and prayer, I started the process that culminated in the perfect career for me: the school-counseling job I eventually retired from; and, I have a house again.
Note this: seeking to gain wealth lead to an empty bank account, and LOTS of frustration with my job along the way. I believe that’s a near-universal rule.
Also note: seeking to feed your family is NOT seeking to gain wealth. That’s seeking love.
Also note: seeking to feed your family is NOT seeking to gain wealth. That’s seeking love.
Which is a good thing; when in doubt, always seek love.
Peace be on your household.
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