Tiny Devotional for Thursday, 5-20-2021

 A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family members who have dropped by, have some donuts.

The terror of a king is like the roaring of a lion;
One who provokes him to anger forfeits his own life.

Proverb 20:2, NASB

I don’t have any experience with kings. I met a few high ranking officers when I was in the Army, and I had my picture taken with Zell Miller when he was Lieutenant Governor, but that’s as high as I’ve gone. Those were all pleasant interactions, though.

Meeting a Colonel (1975)

Now, I DID spend some time in the offices of various principals in my school days. I suppose getting paddled is about as close to forfeiting my life as I have gotten. 

This is NOT to imply that I have lived a blameless life; I just didn’t get caught, for one, and for two, I never moved in the circles of the mighty. Therefore, I can only take the advice given in this verse on faith, concerning provoking the anger of a king. I’ve READ about kings; in fact, at the moment I’m doing a re-read of a book about Prince Roger becoming an emperor. I just haven’t experienced it myself.

Still, I think the basic concept holds true for any authority, whether a just and wise boss, or an incompetent doofus: aggravate them, and feel the pain they can inflict. 

The primary difference is that it’s easier to aggravate a doofus. The doofus is going to be aggravated anyway, because their job overwhelms them;  they vent their frustration on subordinates.

I’m left with a greater sense of appreciation for our form of government. We vote them in; we can vote them out.

That’s nice. 

Peace be on your household.


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