Tiny Devotional for Thursday, 5-20-2021
A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family members who have dropped by, have some donuts.
One who provokes him to anger forfeits his own life.
Proverb 20:2, NASB
I don’t have any experience with kings. I met a few high ranking officers when I was in the Army, and I had my picture taken with Zell Miller when he was Lieutenant Governor, but that’s as high as I’ve gone. Those were all pleasant interactions, though.
Now, I DID spend some time in the offices of various principals in my school days. I suppose getting paddled is about as close to forfeiting my life as I have gotten.
This is NOT to imply that I have lived a blameless life; I just didn’t get caught, for one, and for two, I never moved in the circles of the mighty. Therefore, I can only take the advice given in this verse on faith, concerning provoking the anger of a king. I’ve READ about kings; in fact, at the moment I’m doing a re-read of a book about Prince Roger becoming an emperor. I just haven’t experienced it myself.
Still, I think the basic concept holds true for any authority, whether a just and wise boss, or an incompetent doofus: aggravate them, and feel the pain they can inflict.
The primary difference is that it’s easier to aggravate a doofus. The doofus is going to be aggravated anyway, because their job overwhelms them; they vent their frustration on subordinates.
I’m left with a greater sense of appreciation for our form of government. We vote them in; we can vote them out.
That’s nice.
Peace be on your household.
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