Tiny Devotional for Monday, 07-19-2021

A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family members who have dropped by, she is ADORABLE!!!

Wealth adds many friends,
But a poor person is separated from his friend.
Proverbs 19:4, NASB

...and if you didn’t grasp this concept this time around, it’s repeated in verses 6 & 7. Three verses out of 29; this chapter is tithed to communicate the idea.

I don’t know of a definition of poverty that will fit universally; but, I think we can agree that food, shelter, and clothing are essential. Therefore, a person who can’t afford those three things qualifies as poor.

If you haven’t been in the housing market lately, you might not be aware that housing costs have skyrocketed. Just recently, I’ve discovered that locally, home seekers must bring a CASH offer, in excess of the asking price, to buy a house. 
That’s a radical change from the circumstances that existed in 1992, when I signed the contract for my home. Today,  I would not be able to afford the house I bought 29 years ago; I would have remained in rental housing.  While I wouldn’t have met the definition of poverty, I’d be making no progress toward wealth, and building no inheritance for kids and grandchildren.

Here’s the point: My poverty (relative to my current circumstances) would have been from market conditions, something I have no control over. It would NOT be the result of anything I had done wrong.
That’s usually how it works.

The poor aren’t wicked; they’re just flat broke. 

Contributions to a local church emergency relief fund are nice, and will be gratefully accepted. But if you REALLY want to give the poor something, then give the poor some respect. 

Peace be on your household.


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