Tiny Devotional for Monday, 07-26-2021

 A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family members who have dropped by, breakfast is lunch.

One who sends a message by the hand of a fool
Chops off his own feet and drinks violence.

Proverbs 26:6, NASB

Therefore, do not use DingBat Delivery to send your important documents.

I was going to add, “but if you do, buy the insurance.” I decided not to make that addition, since it wouldn’t help. After all, DingBat is the insurer; there is no reason to believe that they are any better at paying off claims than they are in delivering your message.

This is the only place in the Bible that uses the precise term “drink violence;" other translations read “damage” or “poison” rather than “violence.” It makes absolutely no difference, because as far as the consequences go, you don’t have to know exactly what is meant by “drink violence” in order to know that it’s a bad thing. 

Key point: If the PROBLEM is well-defined, and it’s clear from the context that the outcome is bad, then, don’t. 

Just, DON’T.

There may be millions of cases in which history was forever changed, because an important message was sent by the hand of a fool. However, we will never know, because: THE MESSAGE NEVER GOT THROUGH. Therefore, don’t. 

Just, don’t.

I’m not sure what process would make a fool a messenger, anyway. Perhaps it’s one of those cases where the fool messed up every other job assigned, so they made him a messenger, just to have a place to put him. That’s a bad management practice, but I did know of it happening once in the Army.

But for today: 

Just. Don’t.

Peace be on your household.


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