Tiny Devotional for Tuesday, 07-06-2021

 A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family members who have dropped by, Alma Coffee Enchanted cold brew!

How long will you lie down, you lazy one?
When will you arise from your sleep?

Pr 6:9, NASB

NOT lazy; just sleeping!

When I was a child, I DEFINITELY didn’t want to get up in the morning. Mornings were frequently marred by fussing; and if there was a book nearby, I’d be trying to read it as I was doing my morning prep. (Honesty: I still do that.)

Once I became independent,  I didn’t have mama to stir me up. I never got fired for being late to work, but I sure got chastised. 
After my first term at college, I learned to avoid scheduling early morning classes; I think that’s the source of some infrequent dreams that it’s finals week, and I haven’t been to class all term. 
I had no problem getting up in the morning when I was in the Army. I also discovered to really appreciate sleep in the military. 

Laziness isn’t the ONLY reason for not arising from sleep. Some people have no motive to get out of bed in the morning, and that’s awful.  (Honesty again: one of the reasons I write this blog is to give me a reason for getting up.) 

Final thought: if the reason you don’t want to get out of bed in the morning is because you hate your job, that’s a problem. Work isn’t SUPPOSED to be torture, nor is it supposed to be the only source of meaning in your life. Seriously and responsibly evaluate your situation; is your job demanding too much of you, or are you demanding too much of it? 

Peace be on your household.


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