Tiny Devotional for Monday, 08-30-2021
A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family members who have dropped by, frozen biscuits and turkey sausage.
Who has gathered the wind in His fists?
Who has wrapped the waters in His garment?
Who has established all the ends of the earth?
What is His name or His Son’s name?
Surely you know!
Proverbs 30:4, NASB
I’m really glad today’s wisdom is in Proverb 30. That means the only month we don’t read it is February. There is a LOT of good stuff here!
Last month, I covered the two preceding verses, and said it was a set-up, and one I have used in the past. Feel free to click back; I’ll wait.
Now, usually, a set-up is followed by a punch. In this case, though, the follow-through is more gentle than a fist, punching; it’s more like a finger, pointing. Taken with verses 2 & 3, it condenses down a little into:
“I’m not saying I know all about the subject, but I’m about to talk about God.”
I LOVE that approach! I think it’s really respectful to the listener.
“Surely you know!” = “Ya know what I’m sayin’?” It’s an invitation to the listener, to SAY what they know. Other people know LOTS; maybe they will share?
Decades ago, I learned that the right attitude for street witnessing was: “I’m a beggar, trying to show other beggars where I found bread.”
That fits in with this verse, which says “look, I’ve got something to say. It’s important, because it’s about God. You got any ideas?”
Lectures have their place, but Yeshua held a LOT of conversations.
So should we.
Peace be on your household.
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