Tiny Devotional for Saturday, 08-28-2021

 A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family members who have dropped by, salsa, sausage, and eggs.

Those who abandon the Law praise the wicked,
But those who keep the Law strive against them.

Proverbs 28:4, NASB


We can’t SEE the Law. We can see letters on a stone, papyrus, lambskin, or a computer monitor, but those words are not THE LAW.  THE LAW is spiritual, but very practical. It’s away of thinking, a way of life.  

Please understand: I’m not talking about O.C.G.A. § 8-6-4 or any of its’ friends and neighbors. That’s a regulation covering construction of buildings on a landfill; it’s a law, but it’s not THE LAW. I’m not talking about dietary rules, or even the Ten Commandments. 

God is God, and we aren’t. 

That’s THE LAW. 

Even the Shema is an expansion on the Law.  Here’s what Yeshua said, paraphrased by me:

Hear, O Israel, the LORD is God, the LORD is One; and you shall love the Lord with all your heart, soul mind, and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself.

Every bit of that, and all that follows, derives from:

God is God, and we aren’t. 

And that’s what has to be rejected first, before we really start getting into trouble. First, we have to rebel against the fact that we aren’t the center and source of the universe. 

Once we lose the Law, it’s all too easy to let the ends justify the means.  Nobody STARTS with Dachau; usually, the beginning is some variant of “a positive struggle for the soul of our people.”

I’d like to end this post by linking it with events in Afghanistan. Unfortunately, I don’t know how to do that.

Peace be on your household.


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