Tiny Devotional for Sunday, 08-09-2021

 A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family members who have dropped by, it’s small group Sunday!

Wisdom speaks about her words:

They are all straightforward to him who understands,
And right to those who find knowledge.

Proverbs 8:9, NASB

Overcoming the World

Wisdom says: To the one who has, more shall be given. 

I’ve got to admit that my MODERN thinking is somewhat disturbed by this; I want things to be FAIR! Shouldn’t those suffering from wisdom-deprivation be given a fair shake? Even precedence?

Well, yes. And that’s ANCIENT thinking as well:

Upon those in darkness, a great light shined
Blessed are the poor, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven
God has chosen the foolish things to confound the wise

If you aren’t seeing a discrepancy, good. There ISN’T a discrepancy, just an (implicit) step in the process of transitioning from foolish to wise.

TRUTH: we are ALL poor, hungry, naked, blind.   ALSO TRUTH: not all of us see that.

Here’s the implicit step: some of the poor/foolish/weak realize their state, and yearn for something more. That’s how they become the one who receives the goodness described in verse 9.

It’s not a random distribution of brains, beauty, or strength, and it’s not inherited wealth, that qualifies us to receive more; just realization of our true condition. 

When we have air conditioning and a full refrigerator, it can be AWFULLY difficult to realize our true poverty. It’s harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle.

Fellow Americans, the blessings of the world have made us poor, so poor; we are starving! But fear not!

He has overcome the world!

Peace be on your household.


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