Tiny Devotional for Thursday, 08-19-2021
A great good evening to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family members who have dropped by, I’m eating Ramen.
And he who tells lies will not escape.
Proverbs 19:5, NASB
I started writing this after 10 PM, so I won’t miss a day. I DID do some other spiritual writing, about Taylor Schumann’s book; you can read that here.
Okay, back to the Proverb: You can’t get away with telling a lie (even if you had a good reason).
I recall running a support group for 8th grade boys, who were dealing with some racial conflicts. In order to make a point, I showed them a long-ago picture of me and an older black woman, and I told them that was my mother.
Now, whatever point I was trying to move to never happened, because the teacher (a black woman my age) was so astounded that she kept questioning me, and I had to maintain the fiction to keep in character. Eventually, the group was over, but I was back in my office before I realized I had never fessed up! It was the VERY end of the day, and I had to run down the halls (a no-no) to get back to the class to do a proper (quick) debrief.
Had I not done the debrief, what was intended as a counseling gimmick would have turned into a lie, and who knows WHERE that would have lead?
Try this thought: lies start with words, but end in a lifestyle.
Now, try this thought: isn’t that what happens in an abusive home?
Lies told to protect an abuser won’t stop the abuse. Let’s all stop trying to make that happen.
Peace be on your household.
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