Tiny Devotional for Thursday 08-26-2021

 A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family members who have dropped by, you are on your own for breakfast.

Like useless legs to one who cannot walk,
So is a proverb in the mouths of fools.

Proverbs 26:7, NASB

The psych unit at the VA hospital in Decatur is where I got most of my experience working with people who couldn’t walk.

The proverbs speaks of useless legs. Not all of the veterans I worked with had legs that were entirely useless; some could stand, even walk a short distance, with assistance. Maybe this proverb doesn’t apply to those cases, just to those with zero function in their legs.

I worked with a few of those. For them, not only were their legs useless, they were also obstructive and even dangerous. 

Obstructive, because their legs would always get in the way whenever they needed to move from the chair to the bed, or the bathroom. We had to deal with that, before taking care of what really needed to happen. It’s aggravating. 

Dangerous, because legs with no sensation are subject to unnoticed wounds, which can get infected, and if left unattended, can even be lethal. We ALWAYS had to check those veterans for bed sores. Those can be lethal.

Obstructive and dangerous:
Useless legs, and proverbs in the mouths of fools. 

I don’t try to persuade fools to be wise. I also don’t believe that foolishness in one area extends to all areas. And I’ve spent plenty of time being a fool, myself.

Now, I am SEVERELY tempted to explicitly apply this to various forms of medical advice being offered by people who aren’t doctors.

But I’m not going to. 

Peace be on your household.


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