Tiny Devotional for Saturday, 10-30-2021
A great good afternoon to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family members who have dropped by, leftover pizza = MAGNIFICENCE!
He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him.
Proverbs 30:5, NASB
In the army, they taught me ways to keep from getting shot:
- Concealment: they can’t see me, even if they know I’m there.
- Camouflage: they can see me, but I look like something they don’t want to shoot..
- Cover: they can’t hit me, even if they shoot.
- A shield provides cover, keeping you from being shot.
Today, nobody is shooting at me; that doesn’t mean I’m immune to attack. Neither are you. But, since it’s not bullets, what form do the attacks take? What kind of defense is appropriate?
- When I was under attack at my job, concealment and camouflage would have been the right tactics. Just stay low profile, pretend to cooperate, avoid hassle. I didn’t do that, of course.
- When I was unemployed and broke, with creditors calling demanding their money RIGHT NOW, I DID use concealment by not answering the phone, and camouflage when I did answer by saying “Operator, this line is not secure!” Worked okay, for as long as I needed it to.
I eventually realized those weren’t REALLY attacks; they were just events. The attacks were what I BELIEVED about the events: that my life was over; that I was useless; that I WAS a failure.
For those attacks, there was no concealment, no camouflage. I needed cover; I needed a shield. And, as many others have before and since, I found my refuge in the quiet presence of God.
(And that’s not the end.)
Peace be on your household.
More than a little I had to unpack and reread (Eph 6, in large part) before I could post a “Thank you”. Every reminder for this fool to “stand firm” and keep my shield “in all circumstances” (ESV) is important.