Tiny Devotional for Tuesday, 10-26-2021
A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family members who have dropped by, sausage, egg, and cheese biscuits; croissants, too, if you prefer.
Like one who binds a stone in a sling,
So is one who gives honor to a fool.
Proverbs 268, NASB>
So is one who gives honor to a fool.
Proverbs 268, NASB>
There is a widely held belief that if you treat a fool with love and compassion, they will be fixed. This contrasts with the even-more-widely-held belief that if you snatch a fool bald-headed, they will stop bothering you.
I ascribe to both philosophies, with limits; they AREN’T incompatible. It just depends on what “love and compassion” means.
Do you understand that binding a stone in a sling makes it useless? It’s no good, even as a training device, because knowing when to release the stone is the key to proficiency; if the stone is bound to the sling, it can’t be released. And giving honor to a fool is useless as well.
But what if a fool DESERVES honor? It’s been known to happen, that fools have performed well, even heroically, in an emergency. So, give them a medal; then you have a fool wearing a medal.
The love and compassion that will transform a fool (and I have seen it done) will include a LOT of structure; using praise to reward appropriate behavior; ignoring inappropriate behavior whenever possible, and limiting damage when it isn’t possible. Fools are like everyone else in THIS respect: they act the way they do for a reason. So, give them different reasons.
Finally, remember that fools are to be avoided whenever possible, because needless interaction turns you into a fool as well. (Sorry, teachers; that doesn’t apply to you.)
Peace be on your household.
Learning that avoiding fools is a wise and appropriate helps me stay out of political discussions.
ReplyDeleteYes yes ii have been administering to some foolish young girls.
ReplyDeleteLoving them even when they were not Loving tthemselves.
But what I had In my favor is that I loved them the way Christ loves them to the best of my
Planting seeds not knowing when or if they will sprout
Yes my Brother Pat, as much as possible, we ought to warn those fool and lead them to Christ, but if not, then avoid their actions that make them fool.
ReplyDeleteAchievement needs to be recognized but doesn't mean that a foolish person can keep it up.