Tiny Devotional for Thursday, 11-18-2021

 A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family members who have dropped by, it’s Forward Focused Thursday!

A fool’s mouth is his ruin,
And his lips are the snare of his soul.

Proverbs 18:7, NASB

If it was just one fool in the chain of soul-snaring lips, the damage would be limited. It’s never just one fool, though. Who do fools talk to, and who do they listen to? Mostly other fools. So, what happens is this:

  • FoolA comes up with a Great Plan! 
  • It makes them feel good to have such a Great Plan, so they brag to FoolB. 
  • FoolB admires the Great Plan, and shares it with Innocent Bystander, who the Great Plan will impact. 
  • Innocent Bystander is overjoyed, and rushes to thank FoolA, not knowing that in the meantime, 
  • FoolA has realized how hard the Great Plan will be to implement, and now has to disappoint Innocent Bystander. 
  • FoolA then complains to FoolB, and/or FoolB’s boss, and/or FoolB’s friends.

Thus, both FoolA and FoolB look foolish, and Innocent Bystander loses hope.

Fools C-Z are always available, but rarely get called in. The Great Plan (never established!) is far too GREAT to be kept secret for long.

Great Plans are GREAT! They don’t turn PersonA into FoolA; the mouth, not the brain, does that. If PersonA seeks wise counsel, instead of bragging, outcomes are always better. 

Note the qualifier: WISE counsel; this is NOT FoolB! But how does one tell the difference between wise counsel and fools?

Experience! Either yours, or that of another; before you divulge a Great Plan to a person, you must know how they handle Regular Plans. Investigate; if you see ruin and snares, go elsewhere.

Peace be on your household.


  1. Yes my Brother Pat, if a person seeks wise counsel instead of bragging outcomes are always better. Good word. Praise God my Brother Pat!


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