Tiny Devotional for Wednesday, 11-10-2021

 A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family members who have dropped by, keep doing the next right thing.

He who gathers in summer is a son who acts wisely,
But he who sleeps in harvest is a son who acts shamefully.

Proverbs 10:5, NASB

Wake up, Carl!

Much later in life, Solomon wrote 

It’s the same wisdom found here, just examined from a different angle. This verse speaks of work and duty; Ecclesiastes speaks (among other things) of inevitability and acceptance. 

KEY POINT: This verse does not say the son who gathers is wise, or the son who sleeps is shameful. It says he ACTS wisely; he ACTS shamefully.

There is a WORLD of difference between being and acting;  you can’t evaluate a person correctly from a single event, or even a season. You can’t even evaluate cats like that! After all, a smart person can put wrong answers on a test if they want to fail it; a friend of mine tried that to get out of the draft. It didn’t work. (Hi, Rex!)

Your character is developed over time, and it’s revealed over time. It can change, but that takes even more time. My special word to my family today was “keep doing the next right thing.” That’s wisdom I gained from the Program; but, I gained access to the Program by doing the next WRONG thing, over and over. That’s an Ecclesiastes kind of truth.

Take a nap when you need one, but if you find yourself specializing in talking naps, something’s wrong. That doesn’t mean YOU are shameful, though. 

And NEVER be too proud to ask for help when you need it.

Peace be on your household.


  1. Your words to me when we lost everything was “keep doing the next right thing.” So I did. ONE thing at a time was plenty. It has to be.
    In my head over the landscaping years it turned into “just keep moving.“
    At the time I was honestly pretty shameful but acting the best I could at the time. When I wasn’t being shameful.
    I’m thankful that God loves the shameful. They may be his favorite.
    Now it’s flip-flopped. And I am redeemed and forgiven and free loved and yet I still struggle with doing shameful things. I hate that.

  2. Yes my Brother Pat, our character develops over time and it is revealed over time, we just have to keep doing what is right and act as wisely with the help of God. Good morning my Brother Pat here in the Philippines and God bless you!


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