Tiny Devotional for Wednesday, 09-14-2022

 A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family members who have dropped by, supper’s gone and dinner’s cooking, and Old Dan Tucker just stands there looking.

A scoffer seeks wisdom and finds none,
But knowledge is easy to one who has understanding.

Proverbs 14:6, NASB

Alas, I once was a scoffer. What a goofy choice to make! 

One part was because a well-phrased scoff could get a laugh, and I fancied myself as a class clown. I was seeking attention, which IS something everybody needs.

Another part was because I took the offenses given me by some in authority over me, and used that as an excuse to reject (almost) ALL authority. It’s a bad strategy:  I got food poisoning once, but that didn’t cause me to reject all food!  (I also owned a Gremlin, once, but didn’t reject all cars.)

Based on my own experience, I’m struggling a bit with the concept of “a scoffer seeks wisdom;” I’m not sure I actually did that. I DID seek pronouncements from authorities, but only to make fun of them. 

This needs more thought, but it seems to me that my journey away from scoffing began with accepting better authorities. I found people who were wiser and more knowledgeable, and I was able to trust them. Their focus wasn’t on forcing me into a mold that didn’t fit; their focus wasn’t on me AT ALL. 

Instead, they were seeking the truth, and they allowed me to follow along. After a bit, I stopped scoffing, and started learning. 

Al, Bill, USO girl, Bessie, Steve, Naphtali, Carlos, Gabriel, Art, Luther, Stan, Jim, Mark, Francis, Barry; you all showed me it could be easy to find knowledge.


Peace be on your household.


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