Tiny Devotional for Wednesday, 09-21-2022
A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family members who have dropped by, I’ve added pimento cheese to microwaved potatoes.
But as for the pure, his conduct is upright.
Proverbs 211:8, NASB
Sometimes, the guilty people are in charge, but their way is still crooked; sometimes, even though their conduct is upright, the pure suffer.
Mostly, doing the right thing will bring peace, prosperity, and all of the other things we think of as desired goals. Not always, though, and those of us who have accumulated some years of experience will recognize that in our own lives.
This verse doesn’t say “but as for the pure, wonderful acclaim will result.” MOSTLY, that’s what happens. That’s because institutions (from families to countries) which are staffed by virtuous people tend to prosper in the long run. Prosperous institutions tend to reward their people.
There are temporary exceptions, when a Crooked-Way person gets authority, but those are only TEMPORARY exceptions. Crooked-Way people are playing a stupid game, and they will win stupid prizes.
And yet, there seems to be an inexhaustible supply of Crooked-Way people out there...but, there isn’t. It just SEEMS that way, because screaming about Crooked-Way people is a good way to raise money.
Please: don’t listen to the screams. They come from a different flavor of Crooked-Way people, and they are lying to you. Instead, look for evidence of upright conduct.
The evidence is there, in the lady who does your hair, the guy who kills your bugs, your neighbor, pharmacist, the person who teaches your kids.
I think that if I want a pure heart, I need to look for pure hearts.
Peace be on your household.
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