Tiny Devotional for Saturday, 06-17-2023

 A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family members who have dropped by, leave the thermostat alone!

He who conceals a transgression seeks love,
But he who repeats a matter separates intimate friends.

Proverbs 17:9, NASB

When a verse isn’t immediately clear to me, I go looking at original language (using Strong’s Concordance). 

Frequently, I get insight that there is hidden meaning. This morning, the insight I got is that there is NO hidden meaning.

I’m skittish about ‘concealing a transgression.’ My last 35 years have REQUIRED that I work a program that requires rigorous honesty; in my first 35 years, I  concealed my transgressions from everyone, including myself. So, ALARM!!!!

Here’s the blinding revelation I received a few minutes ago: 

The first line is NOT Agamemnon concealing his transgression against Belteshazzar FROM Belteshazzar; it’s Agamemnon concealing Cyrenius’s transgression against Belteshazzar from Belteshazzar. That’s entirely different.
The second line says that if Agamemnon tells Belteshazzar what Cyrenius said about Belteshazzar, it drives a wedge between Belteshazzar and Cyrenius.
If this interaction is unfamiliar to you, you never went to middle school or high school.

Why would Agamemnon do such a thing?

  • He likes conflict
  • He wants attention
  • He is jealous of Belteshazzar and Cyrenius’s relationship
  • He hates either Belteshazzar or Cyrenius, possibly both
  • He wants them to forget his transgressions

It’s not “you have a right to know” or “because I love you” or any other lie. It’s ALWAYS to benefit Agamemnon at Belteshazzar and Cyrenius’s expense.
AVOID Agamemnon!

Disclaimer: a tiny fraction of transgressions DO require Agamemnon to tell Belteshazzar about what Cyrenius did, because otherwise, Belteshazzar will die. That AIN’T what we are talking about, here; those cases require help from a pro. 

Peace be on your household.


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