Tiny Devotional for Sunday, 06-25-2023

 A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family members who have dropped by, we leave for The Way Church at 8:45.

Do not go out hastily to argue your case;
Otherwise, what will you do in the end,
When your neighbor humiliates you?

Proverbs 25:8, NASB
Papa, Bess, Jumper, 1989

Jumper Bill was a country hound dog, until we moved here. He had never been around neighbors before; or neighbor’s newspapers, or baseball gloves.

So, he brought those items home. To show us, I guess:

“PAPA! Look what I found! It was just laying around!”

He was a pretty fast learner. After those two items, he never brought home anything else, that I can recall.

The neighbor owning the baseball glove (actually, his daughter owned it) learned even faster. He was still in the middle of fussing, when he realized the Jumper Bill hadn’t entered his house to burgle the glove; instead, he’d picked it up from where it was abandoned in the front yard (that’s not good for baseball gloves).

Thus, he didn’t wait to be humiliated; he accepted responsibility (on behalf of his daughter) for putting the glove at risk. I wasn’t going to humiliate him, anyway; I apologized, and offered to pay for any damage, and it all worked out in the end.

The newspaper owner was won over by 3-year-old Bess, who was enchanted with her beauty. Still, it wasn’t until a power outage, when I ran electricity over to her house, that she apologized for making such a big deal over a newspaper.

It’s easy to go ballistic about things, and forget people. Only people can SOLVE problems, and frequently will, if approached with understanding.

So, chill out, okay?  

Peace be on your household.


  1. Definitely, Amen my Brother Pat, Right approach with understanding is needed especially when in solving problems


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