Tiny Devotional for Tuesday, 06-27-2023
A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family members who have dropped by, I slept in!
So is a man who wanders from his home.
Proverbs 27:8, NASB
Since I know nothing about birds, and a LOT about wandering from home, this verse tells me more about them than it does about us. It sounds like birds don’t like wandering, either. Some of y’all raise chickens; please advise.
I continued nomad life as an adult: 26 different homes, three states, two continents, and multiple family constellations, until I made my last move in November 1992.
My multiple residences only matter when I seek to answer a question this verse poses: do I have a home to wander from?
My home has ALWAYS been the first place I lived.
Those dreams came during the worst times in my life, when I had a place to live, but had no home.
In those dreams, I’m with family, I’m loved, and every tear is wiped away.
Those dreams comforted me; but then, I woke up.
Beloved in the Lord, you and I have a TRUE home in Heaven. Please, don’t let the symbolism confuse you; Heaven is not merely the place where they have streets of gold.
Heaven is where God is.
The tastes of Heaven we get here on Earth comfort us; but we always have to wake up.
One day, we won’t have to wake up any more.
Peace be on your household.
There's no place like home for sure - and when we think of our home and family - it is a reminder of Heaven and Jesus and the whole family! Thanks for the reminder that the yearning for home is a picture of our yearning / desire for heaven.