Tint Devotional for Thursday, 07-06-2023
A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family members who have dropped by, Heath made noodles.
This verse describes the outcome of the wicked man, who sneaks about spreading evil. He may prosper for a bit, but eventually, SMASH! It’s CLOBBERING TIME!
If you can read this verse without a bit of gleeful satisfaction in your heart, you are a better person than I am. I believe the term for what I feel when I read the verse is ‘schadenfreude,’ taking pleasure in the misfortune of others.
It’s a growth area for me. Still, I am closer to having a right heart in this than I once was; at least, I no longer construct daydreams in which I administer the consequences due to the wicked. I don’t flaunt symbols of the tragic outcome of one who is found out, and I don’t THINK I make jokes about the misfortune of others.
One reason I abandoned schadenfreude is because I realized I have been eligible for rotten outcomes as well. It’s possible that I inflicted wounds in others decades ago, that they have not received healing for. So, I’m a BIG fan of forgiveness.
A second reason I try not to rejoice when others suffer is that I know that God has consequences covered MUCH better than I ever could. Christians know there is a Judgment Day coming for all of us. Nobody can hide from that, or buy their way out. So, it’s not needful for me to punish anyone; God has that covered.
I feel SO much better, since I laid that burden down.
Peace be on your household.
Amen husband