Tint Devotional for Thursday, 07-06-2023

 A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family members who have dropped by, Heath made noodles.

Therefore his calamity will come suddenly; 
Instantly he will be broken and there will be no healing. 
Proverbs 6:15, NASB

This verse describes the outcome of the wicked man, who sneaks about spreading evil. He may prosper for a bit, but eventually, SMASH! It’s CLOBBERING TIME!

If you can read this verse without a bit of gleeful satisfaction in your heart, you are a better person than I am. I believe the term for what I feel when I read the verse is ‘schadenfreude,’ taking pleasure in the misfortune of others.

It’s a growth area for me. Still, I am closer to having a right heart in this than I once was; at least, I no longer construct daydreams in which I administer the consequences due to the wicked. I don’t flaunt symbols of the tragic outcome of one who is found out, and I don’t THINK I make jokes about the misfortune of others.

One reason I abandoned schadenfreude is because I realized I have been eligible for rotten outcomes as well. It’s possible that I inflicted wounds in others decades ago, that they have not received healing for. So, I’m a BIG fan of forgiveness.

A second reason I try not to rejoice when others suffer is that I know that God has consequences covered MUCH better than I ever could. Christians know there is a Judgment Day coming for all of us. Nobody can hide from that, or buy their way out. So, it’s not needful for me to punish anyone; God has that covered.

I feel SO much better, since I laid that burden down.

Peace be on your household.


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