Tiny Devotional for Friday, 07-07-2023

 A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family members who have dropped by, steadfast is better than brilliant.

She is boisterous and rebellious,
Her feet do not remain at home;
Proverbs 7:11, NASB

The seventh chapter of Proverbs is titled “The Wiles of the Harlot.”  Today, the title might be “The Badger Game,” because that’s the core of the evil scheme: a young man is lured into a compromising position, to set him up for extortion.

Once again, I am impressed with the value of daily reading of Proverbs under parental supervision, beginning as soon as a child can read. If ANY straight talk can be prevention against getting suckered, Chapter 7 will.

Naive Youth is grabbed and kissed by Boisterous Woman, and told she has been looking for him. He has seen something similar happen on movies and TV, and it looks like it’s coming true for him! Wow! How could he be so lucky!

If he were not so naive, early on in the process, he would say to Boisterous Woman “The benefits to me are clear, and I’m almost overwhelmed by your sweet perfume and sweeter words; but, tell me, what are YOU getting out of this?”

If he is not yet lost his thinking to perfume infused sex fantasy, there is still hope, because she can only say how handsome he is. 

Yes, he might BE handsome; but if he has conversations with older men about the dangers, he will see that she is trying to entrap him.

If he DOESN’T have access to that incredible resource, hopefully he has absorbed other wisdom. “If it seems too good to be true, it probably isn’t true. So, run away BEFORE you are trapped!”

Peace be on your household.


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