Tiny Devotional for RED Friday, 07-21-2023
A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family members who have dropped by, Remember Everyone Deployed.
His neighbor finds no favor in his eyes.
Proverbs 21:10, NASB
Except (possibly) for hermits living in the wilderness, everyone has neighbors. Wouldn’t it be great if you could know who they were BEFORE you moved in? If my ancient nomadic ancestors discovered that their tent was pitched next to someone unpleasant, they just adjusted positions during the next movement.
Not us; we’re stuck. By the time you move in, whether you are buying or renting, you’ve done so much paperwork, moved so many boxes, you don’t EVER want to move again. That’s why it is in EVERYBODY’S best interest to get along.
Sometimes, you strike gold. Your new neighbor becomes your new friend, and you both learn to depend on each other. It’s BEAUTIFUL!
That will NEVER happen if your neighbor is wicked. They don’t see you as a potential friend; you’re just part of the scenery in the game, and it’s THEIR game.
You want to be at peace at home. It does not occur to them that you have any wants, and if it did, they wouldn’t care. They only want one thing, and that’s to cause trouble. Most of that WON’T be directed at you; after all, the wicked is a pro, and won’t waste pro-level wickedness on your insignificant self.
Fortunately, this kind of neighborly evil is rare.
To discover YOUR situation, I suggest taking baked goods to your neighbor. Be prepared to discover they are gluten-sensitive, so have alternatives.
If they ARE evil, then put up a fence. It’s worth the expense.
Peace be on your household.
Are your co-workers neighbors? Should I bring donuts to work?
ReplyDeleteThat last word says it all my Brother Pat, "If they are evil, then put a fence