Tiny Devotional for Tuesday, 07-25-2023

A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family members who have dropped by, there are some donuts in the box on the table.

Argue your case with your neighbor,
And do not reveal the secret of another,
Or he who hears it will reproach you,
And the evil report about you will not pass away.

Proverbs 25:9-10, NASB

My strong preference is to limit myself to writing about ONE verse. Today, you get two; verse 8 is a part of the message as well.
If you have children, expose them to Proverbs as soon as possible. It will provide them with life tools, before they need them.

These verses might be titled: 

Rules for fighting fair (Solomon version):

Argue your case before your neighbor.

That means that you have 

  • acknowledged there is a problem; 
  • that you aren’t trying to ignore it; 
  • you seek a resolution; and, 
  • at the lowest possible level.
  • Go read 20 books or articles about fighting fair, and you’ll see that they are all based on this.

Do not reveal the secret of another.

Again, the wisdom is found in modern publications, with different shadings.  Meanings include not bringing someone else into the argument;  yes, they may have problems with your neighbor, but that will NOT help you find resolution. Also, if you are mad at your neighbor about more than one thing, save THAT secret for a later argument. 

He who hears it will reproach you

Your conflict is with your NEIGHBOR; the solution is also with your neighbor. Agree with your neighbor that everything remains private. 
If you need to vent, pastors, counselors, grandmothers, and dogs will listen with care.
Cats will listen, for a bit, but aren't into caring. 

Peace be on your household.


  1. Nice words and verse my Brother Pat. The book of Proverbs really provides life tools


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