Tiny Devotional for Wednesday, 07-19-2023

 A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family members who have dropped by, we DO have bacon; three kinds!

Luxury is not fitting for a fool;
Much less for a slave to rule over princes.

Proverbs 19:10, NASB

Line 1. If you have a teenager living in your house, you understand why luxury is not fitting for a fool: they don’t take care of it. Make NO mistake about it: if those who transcribed Solomon’s wisdom saw electricity, plumbing, and other modern conveniences, they would name it ‘LUXURY!’ with no hesitation at all. 
Vanessa and I believe that the teen’s conduct will change when they are on their own; at least, it won’t be OUR problem. Tee-hee.

Line 2. Worse than giving a 14-year-old an X-box: having a slave rule over princes. 

I have ZERO experience with this topic; what follows is conjecture.

A slave elevated above former masters is bound to harbor resentments, and may have even developed a hit list of those they particularly disliked.  Instead of doing their new ruling job, they are setting up their former bosses for a fall. 

In the meantime: who is running the country? Somebody has to make decisions about national defense, investments in infrastructure, and international trade. If the boss is busy wreaking vengeance, then those decisions will be made by whoever has influence in those areas. 

The generals and arms suppliers select defense strategy. Owners of road building equipment decide where to build roads. And they are all making demands on the national treasury, without considering that a massive tax increase is needed.

Do you want to be oppressed by the wealthy? Because that’s how you get oppressed by the wealthy.  

Peace be on your household.


  1. I like your insight! I wonder if by slave, they are speaking of those that are double minded and serving two masters. Surely someone who would be slave to some worldly thing should never rule over one of God's princes. That's just my two cents.

  2. Wonderful insight my Brother Pat! Praise God for it!

  3. Interesting. This reminds me of something I saw yesterday. Poverty by America is a book by Matthew Desmond. I haven’t read it but I watched a YouTube video about him.


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