Tiny Devotional for Monday, 08-28-2023

 A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family members who have dropped by, why couldn’t the Grinch steal Monday?

He who turns away his ear from listening to the law,
Even his prayer is an abomination.
Proverbs 28:9, NASB

We are very grateful that the offense is not ‘breaking the law.’ Perhaps law-breakers are those most in need of having their prayers heard. 

I can testify that breaking the law is NOT the same thing as turning my ear away from hearing the law. A trivial example:
From 1979 – 1986, I worked in college admissions, and I had to spend A LOT of time on the road. Atlanta to Savannah; Cuthbert to Tampa; East Dublin to Wauchula; many miles of mind-numbing travel. 
National Mandated Speed Limit of 55? I couldn’t do THAT! So, I routinely broke the law; I even bought a radar detector to facilitate law-breaking.
It is my testimony that my ear was CLOSELY hearing the law on those occasions while I was breaking it. Yes, I got speeding tickets, and no, the radar detector never helped one bit.

Even though I didn’t like the law, I always knew it was the law, and that I was an offender. The person who turns their ear from hearing the law? They don’t think of themselves that way.

There is some question as to whether this person doesn’t think the law applies to them, or if they think that their actions are legal. Someone without an interest in the situation would clearly see that either position is a load of dingo’s kidneys, but that doesn’t matter to this type of offender.

That’s why their prayers are an abomination; they are offered without submission.

Peace be on your household.


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