Tiny Devotional for Sunday, 08-13-2023
A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family members who have dropped by, I need you to go through this Tupperware box and take stuff home with you.
But the lamp of the wicked goes out.
Proverbs 13:9, NASB
Or just a lamp?
There’s a difference, you know. God gives us the light. It’s internal, and eternal, born from our relationship with Him.
The lamp is external, based on and powered by our circumstances, and what people tell us about our circumstances.
- Where are we going?
- How do we get there?
For those of us who belong to God, the light He gives us provides the answer to the first question: we are going to where God is.
We were there, at one time; and it’s awful. There are so many options; how do we choose? What if we choose wrongly?
A lamp can only show you the path; it can never give you a vision of your goal. Besides that, it can, AND WILL, go out, leaving you lost in the darkness; easy prey.
The light God gives us will never go out; in fact, it REJOICES the closer we get to Him. Since it illuminates the goal, it provides a basis for evaluating the path. It just might reveal to you that you can take any one of the paths available (choices of work, school, family), because each of them will take you to your goal:
Being where He is.
Freeing, isn’t it?
Peace be on your household.
Indeed, Amen my Brother Pat, The light God gives us will never go out. Praise God!