Tiny Devotional for Thursday, 08-03-2023
A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family members who have dropped by, HAPPY 124th BIRTHDAY, Granddaddy!
Even as a father corrects the son in whom he delights.
Proverbs 3:12, NASB
It’s a good day for a verse about fathers and sons.
Not only is it William Jordan Paulette’s 124th birthday, I just talked to Eli Jordan Patterson, my firstborn son, and discovered he is traveling with Heath Jordan Patterson, his firstborn son. We have other legacies than ‘Jordan’ ; grandfather William Jordan Paulette was Generation 1, and youngest son Kenneth Emiohe is Generation 5, in an unbroken lineage of Army enlisted. Eli and I discussed Kenneth’s experiences at Fort Leonard Wood, learning Army things.
I discovered this verse as an adult. I don’t know what it would have tasted like, when I was struggling the hardest with parental correction. Then, I hated and feared it; now, I REJOICE in the concept that my Father, the Almighty God, cares enough about me to know what I am about, and to reprove me when I miss the mark.
I was 30 years old when I became a father, and gained the key that unlocked this verse (among others).
Here it is, free of charge:
Delight in your child.
I think that unless something has messed things up, that comes naturally when they are born. It’s a bit less natural as they age, and break things and make noise; so what? It is your job to delight in them.
Delight in your rebellious teen. If you aren’t delighting in them, make that your number one prayer concern.
Delight in your adult children.
Because our Father delights in us.
Peace be on your household.
Yes my Brother Pat, To Delight in our son is something Special even so our Heavenly Father Delights also in us. Praise God!