Tiny Devotional for Wednesday, 08-09-2023
A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family members who have dropped by, pack up your troubles in your old kit bag, and smile, smile, smile!
She is naive and knows nothing.
Proverbs 9:13, NASB
A naive person will believe anything they are told; the concept of verifying the truth is beyond them. The PPV (Papa Pat Version) of the second line is:
She believes everything, and knows nothing.
This isn’t saying all women are like that, so shut up, male chauvinist pigs. The basic theme of Proverbs 1-9 is the contrast between Wisdom and Folly, and personifying them both as women is just a literary convention.
It would strictly be a personal problem for her, except: she’s boisterous. Therefore, as soon as she hears it, she tells it, and to as many people as she can.
Do NOT blame the internet, or Western culture, for this; people have been spreading lies (that they believed in) for centuries:
- Around 300 BC, a Chinese savant wrote: “it is noted that rumors linger in stubborn men but end in wise men.”
- The Emperor Nero blamed the Great Fire of Rome on that pesky sect of Christians in 64 AD.
- In 1475, 15 Jews were burned at the stake after being accused of drinking the blood of children.
- In my own lifetime, I’ve seen chain letters, the secret death of Paul McCartney, and devil worship on my toothpaste tube.
I do NOT wish to be naive and deceived! What must I do?
I Thessalonians 5:21, KJV
For the person who is REALLY seeking the truth, that’s all the advice they need.
Peace be on your household.
Amen my Brother Pat, I like the last verse as it is the conclusion as it says ". Hold fast that which is Good.