Tiny Devotional for Wednesday, 08-23-2023

A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family members who have dropped by, God showed up yesterday!

Listen, my son, and be wise,
And direct your heart in the way.

Proverbs 23:19, NASB

Today, it’s time to STOMP, with a Kirk Franklin/God’s Property STOMP!

We are going to stomp on bad advice, of this nature:

  • Follow Your Heart 
  • The Heart Wants What It Wants 
  • Listen to Your Heart 
  • Let Your Heart Guide You

O my Best Beloved, there is great appeal in each of these sayings, as well as in the other million sayings about the heart. Following/pleasing the heart feels GOOD!
It’s SUPPOSED to feel good; God made us that way. He LIKES pleasure; He invented it, after all. 
Following the heart feels so good, that God told Moses (Numbers 15:37-40) to have the people put tassels on their garments as a reminder NOT to follow their hearts. 

But: WHY? 

Because uncontrolled power results in destruction. I have powerful utilities hooked up to my house: gas, electric, and water. If they are directed, the family lives comfortably. If not? The basement floods, the kitchen explodes, and sparks set fire to what’s left.

The heart is even more powerful. I suspect EVERYONE who reaches adulthood has some experience with this, perhaps a LOT of experience.

The power of the heart, when directed, still feels good, but it also DOES good. 

We cannot control our hearts, just by wanting to. Prior to my salvation, I TRIED! Failed, every time.

This verse tells us how:

  • We must LISTEN, which gives us knowledge.
  • We must APPLY that knowledge, which gives us wisdom. 
  • Wisdom equips us to tell our heart yes or no, and make it stick.


Peace be on your household.


  1. Loved "wisdom equips us to tell us yes or no". Sometimes my heart acts like a spoiled brat. I'm learning to ignore it most of the time. ❤️🦄


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