Tiny Devotional for Thursday, 09-14-2023
A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family members who have dropped by, the cats and dogs miss Vanessa.
But the tent of the upright will flourish.
Proverbs 14:11, NASB
(‘House’ and ‘tent’ represent the beliefs, practices, and legacy of these two groups. It’s not perfect, but it will do.)
A bit after I started my study, I realized:
“This is the OPPOSITE of the Three Little Pigs!”
Destroyed: שָׁמַד (šāmaḏ). My oldest son and I went to McHenry, Mississippi, in the wake of Katrina, and spent a week doing repair jobs. We saw much שָׁמַד , and there was NOTHING trivial about it. Major structures were just obliterated, steel beams twisted like soup noodles. We didn’t work on the worst damage; that work was accomplished by filling a dump truck with rubble.
Flourishing: פָּרַח (pāraḥ). Get all thought of camping out of your head; these are tent palaces we speak of, and they GROW. That’s what flourish means; it’s פָּרַח, and it’s what plants do when they send out shoots and blossoms.
Question: Why would brick and mortar fail, when fabric succeeds magnificently? Answer below!
Here comes the storm. The wicked huddle in their houses, put plywood over windows, and hope it doesn’t hit.
The upright pack their tent on their camel, donkey, station wagon, or minivan, and GET OUT OF THE WAY!
When the storm passes, the wicked have rubble. The upright put the tent back up, and make dinner, enough to share.
Answer: the power of the storm is overwhelming. Resistance is futile!
The wicked resist God’s power, and their beliefs are inadequate.
The righteous? They DON’T resist; they go with the flow.
Peace be on your household.
Nice insight my Brother Pat, Thank God because of God's word a person can be Righteous in the sight of God and Man. Praise God!