Tiny Devotional for Saturday, 04-06-2024
A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family who might drop by, the ladies are still at the beach.
When you sleep, they will watch over you;
And when you awake, they will talk to you.
Proverbs 6:22
This verse is referring to the instructions of caring parents, and how those words will remain with you. If you are fortunate to have godly parents still living, these words will be blessing to you, but I think they find their greatest impact on those of us whose parents have gone across the Jordan.
My mother passed in January of 2022, and there are still times when I think : “I need to ask Mama about that;” and then I remember that the time of asking Mama is past. This verse makes a promise, though, which is a comfort: the counsel I received from her for well over 60 years of my life is still with me. As instructed, I bound them to my heart, and tied them around my neck; and today, they talk to me when I awake.
I don't make the bed, though; obedience only goes so far.
That's because we aren't carbon copies of our parents; that may be true of ants and bees and termites, but it isn't true of people. It's a good thing. I have encountered situations that my mother and father never faced, and if I were equipped only with what they gave me, it wouldn't be enough.
They gave me commands and counsel, and those things lead me into the wisdom needed to live MY life in MY time.
Thanks be to God, for His wisdom is alive, and grows within us.
Peace be on your household.
Said it well my Brother Pat, I also remember those godly counsel especially from my mother who is now in heaven 👍🙏❤️