Tiny Devotional for Saturday, 04-20-2024

 A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family who might drop by, cold pizza by the slice.

The hearing ear and the seeing eye,
The Lord has made both of them.

Proverbs 20:12, NASB

This one has special meaning for me today. This morning in the Saturday Morning Men's Group, one of the brothers asked for prayer for his uncle, who is experiencing some heart-related health issues. It's not known at this time whether these are end-of-life concerns, but that is a possibility. According to brother Kendall, his Uncle George has for a long time been a significant influence for good in his community as well as in his family. He's had some diabetes-related problems over the years, but that's not what really spoke to me in itself; it was the way in which his uncle responded to those challenges. 

As is often the case, the disease attacked his eyesight, first one eye, then both. I confess that would be VERY difficult for me, as a life-long bookworm. But, Kendall said of his uncle that with the loss of his natural vision, his spiritual vision increased, even beyond the point it already was.

I can only imagine what that is like; I can only imagine the faith that is necessary to see God, when you can't see your hand before your face. I just know that it's theoretically true, and in this case, it's a practical, daily reality. 

Uncle George teaches us that natural eyesight has its' limitations, and also that God doesn't abide by those limitations. He rewards those who seek Him, and there are no limits to that. Please, as it occurs to you, say a prayer for Uncle George. He will appreciate it.

Peace be on your household.


  1. Stirring insight Pat! Thanks and we will definitely pray for uncle George.

  2. Natural eyesight has limitation but God's eyesight has no limitation. What a message. Praying my Brother Pat for the uncle of brother Kendall, uncle George


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